بازی کامپیوتری farcry

۱۲۵.۰۰۰ تومان

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ارسال فوری


Far Cry is a franchise of first-person shooter video games, all which have been published by Ubisoft. The first game, Far Cry, was developed by Crytek to premiere their CryEngine software, and released in March 2004. Wikipedia
Latest release: Far Cry Primal; February 23, 2016
First release: Far Cry; March 23, 2004
Platform of origin: Microsoft Windows
Genre: First-person shooter
Developers: Ubisoft, Crytek, Red Storm Entertainment, MORE
Designers: Crytek, Ubisoft Montreal, Clint Hocking, Pierre Rivest, Jamie Keen, Patrick Redding, Kevin Guillemette
نظرات (۰)


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